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Festival TransAmériques em Québec

A atriz e dramaturga paranaense Cynthia Becker representa o Núcleo de Dramaturgia SESI PR em Festival Internaciona no Canadá

"Em colaboração para o Teatrojornal, a atriz e dramaturga paranaense partilha percepções do Festival TransAmériques, realizado em Montréal, província canadense do Québec, entre 26 de maio e 11 de junho. Ela acompanhou o encontro de artes cênicas dentro de um programa para jovens autores."

"Obras que rondam o imaginário artístico, experiências que provocam impactos sem se importar se são teatro ou dança, mas sim em mostrar linguagens que nos fazem pensar em novas perspectivas dentro das artes. Acredito que a curadoria do Festival TransAmériques realmente teve como base levar o espectador a um passeio nos espaços que começam a ser desbravados pela cena mundial contemporânea."

 "Como representante do Núcleo de Dramaturgia Sesi-Paraná, tive o privilégio em fazer parte de um programa que tem como raridade oferecer bolsas a "jovens criadores" de diversos países, dentro do Programme de Jeunes Créateurs, com o intuito de promover um intercâmbio artístico, ofertado pelo FTA com parceria de uma instituição do Québec responsável por projetos internacionais (LOGIQ)."

"Participaram representantes de diversos países, como Alemanha, Bélgica, França, Israel, Brasil, Itália, Canadá e Chile, entre eles diretores, dramaturgos, cenógrafos, bailarinos, críticos e, sobretudo, pessoas dispostas a trocar pensamentos, refletir e expor o que está sendo produzindo atualmente no teatro e na dança através de simpósios, palestras, mesas redondas com artistas locais e internacionais."

 "Foi possível ouvir um eco do que se idealiza artisticamente aqui no Brasil, mesmo não tendo uma posição geográfica favorável e até mesmo econômica para viabilizar concepções que exigem grandes produções."


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por Vice Presidential Debate 2016 - Domingo, 02 de Outubro de 2016 - 04:39:59 - Comentar

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016 starting time tuesday 7-8:30

p.mLongwood University, Farmville, Va.Participants in the Vice

Presidential Debate 2016 has been ensured by September 16, 2016,

based on five pollster results.

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016 will be held at Longwood University, in

Farmville, Virginia, on October 4, 2016. This only vice presidential

debate 2016 will take place between the two vice presidential

nominees, Democratic Senator Tim Kaine and Republican Governor Mike


por Vice Presidential Debate 2016 - Domingo, 02 de Outubro de 2016 - 04:22:39 - Comentar

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016 of Republican bad habit presidential chosen one Mike Pence and Democratic partner Tim Kaine hit the morning news demonstrates early Tuesday to discuss Monday?s open deliberation.

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Both showed up on "Great Morning America," saying their competitors had a goodbye.

Pence said he was disillusioned mediator Lester Holt didn?t follow Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for a portion of the issues Republicans have utilized against her as a part of the battle.

When: 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday
Where: Longwood University, Farmville, Va.
Broadcast: ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, C-SPAN and all cable news channels

Vice Presidential Debate 2016 Live

Moderator: Elaine Quijano, CBSN anchor and CBS News correspondent

The civil argument will be isolated into nine time portions of roughly 10 minutes each. The mediator will ask an opening inquiry, after which every applicant will have two minutes to react. The arbitrator will utilize the equalization of the time in the fragment for a more profound talk of the theme.

Coming into the presidential civil argument, I felt that if Hillary Clinton won conclusively, she would essentially bolt up the race. Turning out, plainly she won unequivocally yet I think that the battle will remain fiercely close.

Presidential Debate 2016

por Vice Presidential Debate 2016 - Domingo, 02 de Outubro de 2016 - 04:20:26 - Comentar

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Vice Presidential Debate 2016 of Republican bad habit presidential chosen one Mike Pence and Democratic partner Tim Kaine hit the morning news demonstrates early Tuesday to discuss Monday?s open deliberation.

Vice Presidential Debate 2016

Both showed up on "Great Morning America," saying their competitors had a goodbye.

Pence said he was disillusioned mediator Lester Holt didn?t follow Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for a portion of the issues Republicans have utilized against her as a part of the battle.

When: 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday
Where: Longwood University, Farmville, Va.
Broadcast: ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, C-SPAN and all cable news channels

Vice Presidential Debate 2016 Live

Moderator: Elaine Quijano, CBSN anchor and CBS News correspondent

The civil argument will be isolated into nine time portions of roughly 10 minutes each. The mediator will ask an opening inquiry, after which every applicant will have two minutes to react. The arbitrator will utilize the equalization of the time in the fragment for a more profound talk of the theme.

Coming into the presidential civil argument, I felt that if Hillary Clinton won conclusively, she would essentially bolt up the race. Turning out, plainly she won unequivocally yet I think that the battle will remain fiercely close.

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